Napier Family Centre | Depression


What is Depression?

Most of us feel sad, discouraged, or “down” every now and then, but for some people, this mood does not go away. When a person feels like this for a month or more, it seems that every day is a hard day, it gets in the way of day-to-day life. Depression is much more than just a low mood. People who feel low most of the time may have an illness called depression. Often people with depression also experience constant worry (anxiety).

If you feel like you need help please contact us.

How therapy works

Our professionals work with you to enable your understanding of your current responses to issues and problems in how you feel, how you behave and how you relate to others. They can help you find different approaches and teach you how to apply those different approaches in your life.

It takes time and trust and as you are opening up about your most personal thoughts and feelings you have the right to expect your counsellor or therapist will take the time, have knowledge and effective therapies for your situation and want to build the trusting relationship with you.

Signs of Depression

Behaviour signs can be:

  • stopping going out, stopping spending time with family or friends
  • stopping doing things you enjoy
  • finding it hard to concentrate and get things done
  • drinking alcohol or taking drugs to feel better
  • finding it hard to get up in the morning
  • reduced sex drive

Feelings can be ‘numb’ or rage; or feeling:

  • overwhelmed
  • guilt
  • indecisive
  • can’t concentrate
  • miserable
  • unhappy
  • frustrated
  • irritable
  • disappointed
  • no confidence
  • empty or lonely

Some things that increase the risk of depression are:

  • a past experience of depression
  • a family history of depression
  • loss or stress, including unemployment, loneliness, lifestyle changes or relationship problems
  • feeling at odds with your environment (eg, your work, home or other surroundings)
  • psychological or physical trauma in the past
  • physical illness or long-term health problems
  • some medicines, check this with your doctor
  • alcohol and drugs can make depression worse

Thoughts may dominate of:

  • I can’t do anything right
  • I’m worthless
  • Nothing good ever happens to me
  • I‘m a failure
  • Life’s not worth living

Health may suffer:

  • feeling tired all the time
  • constantly unwell and run down
  • having trouble sleeping
  • headaches and muscle pains
  • change in appetite
  • dramatic weight loss or gain

There are lots of ways to describe not feeling right or feeling like life is going in the wrong direction. For Māori here is a great resource to help express some of the things we might experience.

And for those who live rural, feelings of depression may feel different as well. Here is another great resource to help make sense of those feelings.

“Our mission is to provide services that help families along life’s journey. Our values of integrity, teamwork, innovation and compassion guide our actions and decisions.”