2022/23 Annual Report: A Year of Resilience and Community Support
We were pleased to present the 2022/23 Annual Report for Napier Family Centre at our Annual General Meeting on 24 October. Our Annual Report reflects a year marked by resilience, community support, and a commitment to our founding statement – Te Awhina, Te Aroha – To Help is to Love.
This commitment has been demonstrated in our response to the challenges faced by our community over the past year. Navigating the lingering effects of the pandemic and a challenging cost-of-living crisis, our community faced additional hardships when Cyclone Gabrielle struck in February. It is within this context that the work we do at Napier Family Centre is more critical than ever. We remain committed to fulfilling our mission to provide services valued by families and individuals that help them along life’s journey.
Over the last financial year, Napier Family Centre supported 2,107 whānau directly, supporting many more through community outreach and engagement, participation in events and hui, and our collaboration with other services.
The team delivered 353 kai parcels, provided 1335 sessions with financial mentors, booked over 2,000 counselling appointments, and welcomed around 170 participants into our whānau education courses. You can read more about the impact we have made in our community in the pages of our Annual Report.
The report highlights the significant impact of individual and collective trauma our communities are facing post-cyclone, prompting our offer of free counselling for those affected. With a dedicated focus on rebuilding and recovery, Napier Family Centre is actively exploring new opportunities to stand by our community, supporting those who need us most.
A year of external reviews and audits saw Napier Family Centre recognised as whānau-centric and relationships-focused, earning accreditation and positive reviews from MSD, Te Kāhui Kāhu and the Education Review Office.
Our newly introduced Strategic Plan for 2023-2026 sets a clear roadmap for the future, emphasising initiatives to increase diversity, strengthen our commitment to Te Tiriti, ensure financial sustainability, empower our staff, and enhance services through the effective use of information and technology.
As we celebrate our 40th birthday, we express gratitude to the volunteers, staff, philanthropic funders and other supporters – it’s thanks to your contributions that the Napier Family Centre team can continue to say ‘yes, we can help’.
We sincerely thank you for your support.
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