Ngā mihi maioha

We value and acknowledge the philanthropic
contributions to the work of Napier Family Centre
made by the following contributors.

Accident Compensation Corporation 

All Saints Parish 

AM Williams 

Beanies for Babies 

Camp David Trust 

Catholic Charities 

Catholic Parishes of Napier 

Christian Lovelink 


Craggy Range 

D Mansell 


Eastern & Central Community Trust 

Eileen Potter 

Eskdale Holiday Park 

Extend IT Services 

Freenergy Solar Solutions 

Frimley Foundation 

Gabby Allen – Jammies 4 June 

Grassroots Trust 

Gumboots Early Childhood Learning 

Gwen Malden Charitable Trust 

Harcourts Hawke’s Bay 

Hastings District Council 

Hawke’s Bay Childrens Holding Trust 

Hawke’s Bay Foundation 

Hawke’s Bay Regional Council 

Health Hawke’s Bay 

Inner Wheel Club of Napier 



Joan Nelson 

Kaiwaka Social Club 

Kids Barn Childcare Centre 

Knox Church 

Lion Foundation 

Lottery Grants Board 

Maureen Pitman Memorial Donations 

Ministry of Education 

Ministry of Social Development 

Napier Baptist Parish 

Napier City Business Inc 

Napier City Council 

Napier Family Centre Financial Trust 

Napier Girls’ High School 

Napier Host Lions 

New World Greenmeadows 

Nourished for Nil 

Oranga Tamariki 

PAC Methodist 

Pub Charity 

Radio Hawke’s Bay 

Red Cross Sewing Group Napier 

Rotary Club of Napier 

Royston Health Trust 

Russell Family 

Snap Fitness Napier 

Society of St Vincent De Paul 

St Augustine’s Brownies 

St Columba’s Parish 

St John’s Anglican Parish 

St Paul’s Care & Share 

St Paul’s Presbyterian 

Tamatea Womens Institute 

Taradale East Kindergarten 

Taradale Family Dental 

Taradale High School 

Taradale Presbyterian 

Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga 

Te Whakaritorito Trust 

Thomas Richard Moore Trust 


Tremains Taradale 

Trinity Methodist 

Vavasour Charitable Trust 

Waiapu Cathedral 

Woodford House 

Woolworths Carlyle 

Individuals who donated goods, baking, time or in-kind
support over the year

Private donations through Give A Little

The Family Tree Members, Staff and Individual Donations

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How to Deco!

Next week our Napier Family Centre Charity Shop will hold a fundraising event exactly one month before our famous Art...